How iTappit Get In Touch Helps You get other person’s contact info?

get in touch feature

NFC business cards are seeing an uprising trend in 2022. People are amazed to use this new and smart technology that has set out its footmark in the networking and sales world. Many corporates and business houses have discarded paper business cards and switched to a smart solution that works more than just as a networking tool.

These cards, not only help to have a spellbound impression of your business on the receiver but also makes it easy for the person on the other end to take a tour of your business, and services and engage directly with you. Many people have been able to interact easily and scale their network with this smart card. Along with this many itappit customers have reported that they have also seen an increase in their traffic on social media and the company’s website.

What has amazed almost every customer of our smart business card is its GET IN TOUCH FEATURE that has made it possible to exchange information with a tap and also drive queries from the clients right away.

What is iTappit Get in Touch feature?

People who use itappit smart NFC business cards are provided with an exclusive feature to get the contact information of their client while they tap their smart business card on the client’s phone. This is accessible in their iTappit profile as a GET IN TOUCH button.

So as soon as you tap your business card on your client’s phone. The itappit business profile opens. Scrolling down through the profile, your client gets to see a GET IN TOUCH button.

get in touch feature

Clicking on it there comes a contact information page that showcases Name, Phone number, Email and message option. The other person just has to fill this quick information and the contact information with a special message like queries, feedbacks, sales inquiry will directly land to your registered email.

get in touch form itappit

How Get in Touch feature is useful for your business?

In the business world, this feature has proved to be very useful in contact sharing and connection building as it works:

Works two ways

It is the easiest way to prompt the other person to share their contact information. That way you are not just giving out your information but also collecting others info in the most efficient way possible.

Lead Generation

While you are interacting with your client and explaining them about your business you have already attracted their attention and made them half way interested. Providing them with an instant option to share their query or feedback allows you to get your client information in real time without being awkward or sound imposing on them.

Exchange Information Easily

Through this feature the client can exchange information with you instantly without getting to fill a lot of heads. Moreover, it does not let your client get distracted with page or ads that may pop up while interacting through any other channel. This is the perfect way to catch your target customer in real time.

Ease to store information

The biggest problem with visiting cards is storing them and finding them when you need it. The get in feature allows you to get the contact information of another person easily and quickly. Moreover, the message feature lets you remember why the other person contacted you and every contact gets stored in your email, so you can access it whenever you want.

Related:Why Every Industry need NFC Business Cards

This feature makes your NFC business card a reversible contact card through which you can share and exchange information easily and quickly. This also drives traffic to your business as the business lead can directly deliver their business requirement on your email and you get to know about the basic information with name, contact and query right away without doing too much to and for.

Read: How to use a business card in a business conference

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Good article.

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